Saturday, March 14, 2015

Almond Cinnamon Oatmeal

Almond Cinnamon Oatmeal
I just finished having almond oatmeal and it was delicious.  I have been vegan for over five years and I notice that I feel the best when I eat mostly raw vegan foods.  I do eat a few steamed veggies at night at times because they are a quick and healthy meal.  I have an old electric wok and I steam veggies like potatoes, cabbage, carrots, onions, and beans.  However, for all of my morning and midday meals, I eat as raw as possible.  This morning I had this wonderful oatmeal with hemp milk. The recipe is from Ani's Raw Food Kitchen. 
2 cups of oat groats, soaked overnight, and rinsed well
1/2 cup semi-soft pitted dates (I used medjool)
1 TBS ground cinnamon
2 TBS water
1/4 cup almonds
Put the soaked oats, dates, cinnamon, and water in a food processor and process until a texture similar to cooked oatmeal.  For a thinner consistency, add another 1/4 cup water.  (I did not do this.)
Then I added the almonds and pulsed a few times until the nuts were chopped a little bit. 
Makes four servings.  You can add drizzled maple syrup and any nut milk. The oatmeal should keep in the fridge for up to two days. 

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