Saturday, June 19, 2010

Growing Spouts at Home

I was reminded about how good sprouts are for you so I decided to order the EasySpout set from Amazon.  Since I order a lot of staples from Amazon, I look for things that are Amazon Prime.  If you pay a fee up front, there are a lot of items that will ship in two days for free, once you pay the yearly fee.  If you order a lot, it is worth the charge.  If you only order a couple of items a year, then it would not be worth your while. 

The Easy Sprouter arrived and I followed the directions on the inside of the kit.  The only part that I did not do was put the seeds, after soaking, in a nylon stocking and wave around my head.  I really didn't see that on a lot of other sites so I did not do it.

 Here is a shot of the seeds after the 8 hour soak and one rinse the second day.

When I sprouted seeds years ago, I just used a mason jar and cheese cloth and I imagine it would work just as well.  Also, if you are interested in sprouting several types of seeds, you wouldn't want to purchase a group of these ten dollar sprouters.  However, I wanted to try it for my first set of seeds.  By the way, I also ordered the seeds on Amazon as a starter package.

The second photo was taken of the seeds today.  This is day three.  So I need to move them near the window later today.

This is my first experience with sprouts in a while but so far, the sprouts are growing just fine.  I think they may be "salad" tonight. 

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